On the sunny day of 26 May 2023, our management and interns from PT MIB Global Grup visited a special foundation that helps children in need, Yayasan Amal Mulia Indonesia. Yayasan Amal Mulia Indonesia is a foundation which houses children with disabilities and special needs, orphans, also elders, They are located in Jakarta Selatan. MIB has became familiar with Yayasan Amal Mulia Indonesia as we have paid a visit before. The committees, the children, and the other residences are very warm and welcoming to us.
The foundation aims to raise awareness regarding the importance of social reality where not everyone on any social level is able to access proper education nor guaranteed to receive proper nutritional fulfilment; both are central in establishing basic foundation for the residences' lives. Hence, the foundation acts not only as housing for those in need but also as an educational institution for children of every age. Given the history of Yayasan Amal Mulia Indonesia, we believe that the foundation aligns with our goals in order to distribute positive impacts in society.
We previously met with Bapak Didin, the person in charge of the foundation. He oversees the day-to-day running of the foundation. During this visit, we met with Ibu Muriati, who is among the caretakers of the foundation.
Ibu Muriati helped take care of the children and the well-being of the foundation. We also delightfully met with several children who are resident to the foundation. They are bright, young fellows eager to learn and meet new people. Ibu Muriati also kindheartedly provided a tour of the place, checking out some of the facilities of the place: the classes and the rooms used by children to learn and live in.
The purpose of our visit was to distribute basic needs to the foundation, where we learned that food is always a high-priority need for the foundation. Though they were not lacking, basic necessities were always welcomed in the foundation. The supportive atmosphere of the foundation also provided us with information on how well the foundation is being taken care of.
We hope that our contributions are a token to our support to the foundation's main vision to provide a better life for the parties involved, and to assist in giving the best for the children in the foundation, and also part in the betterment of society and provide positive impacts on future generations.